Frequently Asked Questions

Sanitation: Is the water clean?

Float Therapy is extremely sanitary. Five things make the float tank very hygienic. The first is the high concentration of Epsom salts that kill most viruses, bacteria, etc., from surviving. (To give you some idea of the salt content, each liter of solution weighs 1.35 kilos, whereas the average liter of water weighs only one kilo.) The second reason is that the water in the flotation tank is UV sanitized and passed through a ten-micron filter after every float session. Third, the water also contains 0.02 % hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is known for killing virus, bacteria and fungus. Inside and outside the body. Five, guests are required to shower before entering the float room. And last, our state-of-the-art filtration system is second to none. At Gnamma Float Spa we take every precaution to provide you with the cleanest, safest, and most relaxing experience possible.

Will I get claustrophobic?

Some are a little concerned about being enclosed in a space, it's normal. However, with our unique Royal Spa open float tank, you are in control of your environment at all times. There is no top, no door that you have to leave open. With this tank you can even take you spouse or partner in with you as it will easily accommodate two people at once. Even with our pods, you are in complete control of your experience and it is not necessary to turn out the lights or close the lid of the pod to experience benefits.

Am I locked in?

No, you are never locked in. You are in control of your experience at all times. The pods have no latch or lock.

What if I fall asleep?

Enjoy it! The water has a high content of Epsom salts, which provides natural buoyancy. It is physically impossible to sink or to turn over in your sleep. Lie back and the solution will totally support you. If you do fall asleep while floating it will be one of the most rested and deep states of sleep you will ever experience.

I’m a large/small person, will I float?

It is impossible not to float in the tank, no matter your shape or size. 1000lbs of Pharmacutical Grade Epsom salts dissolved in the water make the solution so much denser than your body that you are pushed to the surface like a cork. Anyone and everyone can't help but float. 

What will my first float be like?

Floating is a uniquely different experience for everybody. The most common reports are profound calmness and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank, so that they aren't influenced by it. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, you'll probably find that it's also different each time you float. And the more you float the better it gets.

Will I be bored?

During the day we are constantly bombarded by sensory input and mental activity. Often during your first float your mind will be adjusting to the lack of stimulation and you may be thinking you want to be entertained! As you continue to relax and allow the mind to let go, the deep relaxation and sense of calm that happens is not boring and is often timeless.

What do I do while I float?

Floating is often a passive experience; the less you do the deeper you will relax. However, you may also choose to use your time to "actively" direct the experience in the float tank. For example: prepare for an important event by going through it in your head, meditate, pray, do breathing exercises, stretch, and so on. Some people set an intention before going into the tank (i.e., abundance, well-being). Most people, however, enjoy just letting go and flowing with wherever the experience takes them. The sensation of weightlessness is fun in and of itself!

What if nothing happens?

Expectations are one of the greatest hindrances to having a good float. Just allow yourself to let go and know that whatever your experience, your body is receiving the benefits of deep relaxation. However, it does usually take a few float sessions to really allow the experience to take effect. Practice makes perfect!

Will the salt hurt my skin?

No, the salt is actually very good for your skin and leaves you feeling soft and silky after your shower, and not at all wrinkly. If you have abrasions, scratches or other cuts, the salt can sting slightly, but we also offer Vaseline to cover these areas to eliminate any stinging... but we suggest you do not shave four hours before your session. Razor burn is a recipe for discomfort!

Will I get cold, like staying too long in a bath?

No, the room is heated constantly to the perfect temperature to heighten your floating experience. The temperature of the water feels warm when you get in, but in fact it is just slightly higher than normal skin temperature (94.5 degrees Fahrenheit), the perfect temperature for floating. 

How long do people usually stay in the float tank?

The standard session is 60 Minutes at Float Therapy, but you can leave whenever you want. Some people use the float tank for shorter sessions, but our standard is a 60 minute float.

Are there any known side effects to floating?

No, just a lingering sense of contentment and satisfaction. There are also myriad health benefits because of the wonderful properties of Epsom salts.

Is there any specific position I should float in?

No. Each person should find whatever position is comfortable for him or herself. Some people float with their hands at their sides, some with their hands folded across their chest or abdomen, or behind their heads. You can also use a provided pillow if you prefer more head support. Explore what is best for you.

Should I wear anything in the float tank?

Anything you wear will get very heavy with the salt solution and press against your body, becoming a distraction. We recommend going without; however, if you prefer to wear a swimsuit you are welcome to.

Is there a best time to use the float room?

This is a matter of individual preference. Some people prefer floating in the morning, some prefer floating at night. The best way to find out is to experiment by using the room at different times of the day. Also it's best to try and not have any commitments right after your float. If you do, you are likely to focus on the time and making it to that appointment etc. on time, when you should be RELAXING!

Can pregnant women float?

Yes. As their bodies get heavier, floating is a great relief from the pull of gravity. The zero-gravity environment is ideal for managing back pain and discomfort during pregnancy. But with any kind of new activity, it is always best to consult with your doctor, especially at your first and third trimester.

Are there any individuals that should not float?

Those suffering from epilepsy or severe skin conditions should refrain from floating. People under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not float. People currently undergoing chemo cannot float until the medications have left their system (approximately 4 to 6 weeks). Always if you have ANY concerns, consult your personal doctor before floating!

I just had my hair dyed, can I float?

We ask that you wait 2 weeks after your treatment as the dye could possibly transfer to our tank water, which in turn would ruin it.

If I just had a spray tan or artificial tan, can I float?

We require at least 2 weeks after your tan before you can float. Your tan will transfer to our water because of the high salt content, ruining both our water and your tan.